Beyond the Bench.

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet!

I am a pianist, collaborator, music director, and entrepreneur.

I loved reading and writing as a child, and actually wrote a lot of fantasy and fanfiction. Remember that young adult series Redwall? Well, my favorite animals were otters and lions as a girl, so I wrote my own books about otters who talked. I actually wish l had kept it, but maybe it’s in a box somewhere in my parents’ house. This was before everyone had a computer, so I handwrote it. (I miss those days where handwriting was cultivated, almost an extension of our personality).

I’m not sure yet what I’m going to put here, but I’ll be sharing my thoughts about the industry, life as a collaborator, random musings, other resources, and more.

A current trend I’ve been witnessing and loving is seeing other entrepreneurial classical musicians sharing more of their voice and opinions online. It’s been refreshing in a business where depending on the room you’re in, you might feel as though it’s not a safe space to be heard. I’ve certainly been in my share of rooms where the only sound I was expected to make was at the keyboard. (I tend not to keep those jobs long).

I’m not really sure what I have to add, but I know that I miss writing and want to incorporate it more into my life as an artist. I’d also love for this to be a space to have deeper discussion with anyone who might happen upon my page!

So welcome and thank you for being here and getting to know me “beyond the bench!”


5 Strategies to Maximize Your Recording Process